Kerry Properties, Swire Properties and Sino Land

Welcome to the Southside

Print + Online | Microsite + Bespoke Publishing + Video

As the developers of a number of high-end residential and commercial properties in Hong Kong Island’s Southside, Kerry Properties, Sino Group and Swire Properties were looking to position the area as an exclusive and vibrant place in which to live and work. Morning Studio put a spotlight on the Southside by developing a digital multimedia hub as well as a bespoke magazine, both of which explored the area’s various attractions through colourful prose and photography.

The multimedia hub, presented on, also featured illustrations and animation to take readers on a virtual tour around the Southside. Six chapters each showcased a different facet of the area, from historical landmarks to scenic spots and high-end experiences. To further engage online readers, two short videos that featured KOLs visiting their favourite parts of the Southside were created and embedded within the related chapters. The end result was a one-stop shop where anyone can learn all the essentials about life in the Southside