Standard Charaterd Bank

How to Spend 8

Online | Article series + Video

The “How to Spend Eight” campaign, created in partnership with Standard Chartered Bank (SCB), comprised a five-episode series of video-led articles aimed at affluent and emerging affluent audiences in Hong Kong.

It featured the authentic stories of five respected Hong Kong influencers, which aligned with SCB’s brand values and its five guiding wealth principles: Discipline, Diversification, Time in the Market, Risk and Return, and Protection. Each episode used a relatable storytelling approach to draw viewers in, while the personality and values highlighted with each influencer created a connection with SCB.

By combining human-centric storytelling with innovative digital strategies, this campaign proved effective in engaging its target audiences. Thoughtful execution and strategic distribution ensured the SCB brand message resonated deeply, reinforcing the bank’s brand positioning. The use of influencers not only helped spread the brand message, but it also improved peer-to-peer engagement and generated business benefits through increased customer value and brand awareness.